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HomeMaharashtra 2009 NANDED

Maharashtra 2009

Election Summary

Total number of constituencies analyzed 288
Total candidates analyzed by NEW 3433
Candidates with declared criminal cases 835(24%)
Candidates with declared serious criminal cases 510(15%)
Crorepati candidates 612(18%)
Candidates who are graduate or above 1221 (36%)
Candidates who have not declared PAN 1957 (57%)
Total women candidates 173 (5%)
Total winners analyzed by NEW 274
Winners with declared criminal cases 141 (51%)
Winners with declared serious criminal cases 89 (32%)
Crorepati winners 182 (66%)
Winners who are graduate or above 142 (52%)
Winners who have not declared PAN 41 (15%)
Total women winners 11 (4%)

List of Candidates (NANDED)

Sno .CandidatePartyCriminal CasesEducationAgeTotal AssetsLiabilities
1 (Guru) Rajeshwar HattekarIND012th Pass30NilRs 0
2 Abdul Rauf A. WahedAIMIM010th Pass52Rs 2,07,895
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 23,500
~ 23 Thou+
3 Ad. Mrotrao Kanhobarao HukkeIND0Graduate Professional33Rs 2,00,000
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 20,000
~ 20 Thou+
4 Adampure Balaji GovindaIND012th Pass34Rs 14,42,000
~ 14 Lacs+
Rs 10,980
~ 10 Thou+
5 Adv. Ashfaq Ahemad Iqbal AhemadIND0Graduate Professional35
6 Adv. Baliram Nagorao KhandareIND0Post Graduate54Rs 37,89,000
~ 37 Lacs+
Rs 0
7 Adv. Rupkumar Narayanrao KambleIND0Graduate Professional47Rs 9,94,000
~ 9 Lacs+
Rs 0
8 Advocate Ayyuboddin JagirdarIND0Graduate Professional40Rs 1,50,000
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 0
10 Anant S/o Dattatray WaghIND0Graduate43
11 Antapurkar Raosaheb Alias Chandoba JayantaINC012th Pass53Rs 5,66,278
~ 5 Lacs+
Rs 1,20,000
~ 1 Lacs+
12 Arjun Kishanrao AdeCPM2Graduate45Rs 3,40,050
~ 3 Lacs+
Rs 0
13 Ashok MukundraoMNS0GraduateUnknownRs 37,41,000
~ 37 Lacs+
Rs 1,68,959
~ 1 Lacs+
14 Ashok Shankarrao ChavanINC0Post Graduate50Rs 23,75,89,588
~ 23 Crore+
Rs 0
15 Baburao Alias Sambharao Gunaji KadamSHS0Graduate41
16 Bachewar Balaji GaneshraoJSS2Graduate35Rs 5,50,000
~ 5 Lacs+
Rs 2,00,000
~ 2 Lacs+
17 Balaji Chandrakant Jogadand Akhil Bharatiya Sena010th Pass37Rs 56,000
~ 56 Thou+
Rs 0
19 Bande Balaji BaliramIND0Graduate45Rs 6,92,000
~ 6 Lacs+
Rs 0
20 Barole Venkatrao KishanraoIND0Graduate52
21 Belkonikar Surendra BalkrishnaraoIND1Graduate Professional42Rs 17,452
~ 17 Thou+
Rs 2,26,920
~ 2 Lacs+
22 Bharabde Ramchandra GangaramIND0Post Graduate32NilRs 0
23 Bharat Nagorao DholeIND1Post Graduate50Rs 1,00,800
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 0
24 Bhimrao Sambhaji LakheIND0Not Given44Rs 1,00,000
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 0
25 Bodhankar Satishkumar AmbadasraoBSP0Graduate Professional33
26 Chavan Babu DhanuBSP0Doctorate45Rs 1,08,05,000
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 22,72,000
~ 22 Lacs+
28 Chikhalikar Prataprao GovindraoLB212th Pass49Rs 90,35,287
~ 90 Lacs+
Rs 0
29 D.P. SawantINC0Graduate50Rs 1,51,57,010
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 13,14,542
~ 13 Lacs+
30 Deshmukh Shrinivas alias Bapusaheb Gorthekar NCP010th Pass60
31 Dharmsingh Dagdu RathodJSS2Graduate59Rs 52,19,185
~ 52 Lacs+
Rs 0
32 Dhole Ashok Sambhajirao RPI(A)0Post Graduate46Rs 3,60,000
~ 3 Lacs+
Rs 0
33 Dhondge ShankarannaNCP1Graduate50Rs 2,52,53,973
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 28,47,000
~ 28 Lacs+
34 Doiwad Vankatrao GovindraoIND0Graduate39NilRs 0
35 Dr. Devrao Tukaram Patil BabhalikarJD(S)0Others62
37 Engineer Kishanrao WaneBSP0Graduate58Rs 58,86,524
~ 58 Lacs+
Rs 49,076
~ 49 Thou+
38 Gaikwad Narendra BabaraoBSP012th Pass30Rs 10,000
~ 10 Thou+
Rs 0
39 Gaikwad Sandip PundalikraoBBM0Not Given26NilRs 0
40 Gaikwad Vijaymala GajananIND0Literate30
41 Gaikward Uttam RamaIND0Graduate40Rs 53,000
~ 53 Thou+
Rs 0
42 Gajbhare BapuraoBSP112th Pass41Rs 3,00,000
~ 3 Lacs+
Rs 5,01,500
~ 5 Lacs+
43 Gavli Gangaram GundappaIND012th Pass61Rs 9,50,000
~ 9 Lacs+
Rs 0
44 Hambilkar Vitthal PundaBBM05th Pass40Rs 6,02,500
~ 6 Lacs+
Rs 0
46 Hulgunde Kishanrao VithobaSBP110th Pass60Rs 12,31,647
~ 12 Lacs+
Rs 2,04,940
~ 2 Lacs+
47 Ingle Laxman BhujangraoBSP0Graduate Professional54Rs 25,05,000
~ 25 Lacs+
Rs 0
48 Jadhav Akash SubhashBBM110th Pass31Rs 53,50,000
~ 53 Lacs+
Rs 3,48,000
~ 3 Lacs+
49 Jadhav Pradeep Hemsingh (Naik)NCP012th Pass55Rs 4,18,99,541
~ 4 Crore+
Rs 9,78,697
~ 9 Lacs+
50 Jadhav Vishnu MarotiIND08th Pass36
51 Keram Bhimrao RamjiBJP012th Pass46Rs 36,38,675
~ 36 Lacs+
Rs 2,65,837
~ 2 Lacs+
52 Khan Asadkhan Khan MohammadIND1Literate44Rs 3,40,000
~ 3 Lacs+
Rs 0
53 Khankare Shivraj KalappaIND0Graduate Professional58NilRs 4,40,775
~ 4 Lacs+
55 Khedkar Anusaya PrakashSHS3Literate44
56 Khune Vishwajeet Kashinath IND012th Pass39Rs 3,200
~ 3 Thou+
Rs 0
57 Kinhalkar Dr.Madhavrao BhuangraoIND1Doctorate51Rs 3,15,92,449
~ 3 Crore+
Rs 5,15,747
~ 5 Lacs+
58 Kshirsagar Balaji DigambarIND010th Pass40Rs 3,92,000
~ 3 Lacs+
Rs 3,50,000
~ 3 Lacs+
59 Kshirsagar Bhimrao MaribaSHS010th Pass40Rs 3,08,48,178
~ 3 Crore+
Rs 36,14,937
~ 36 Lacs+
60 Lohabande Dashrath ManghajiBBM010th Pass55
61 Mandagikar Sambhaji RacchannaIND05th Pass70Rs 2,00,000
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 5,00,000
~ 5 Lacs+
62 Marewar Ashok ShankarIND010th Pass55Rs 10,000
~ 10 Thou+
Rs 0
64 Misale Anand VijaykumarIND012th Pass32Rs 2,82,000
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0
65 Nain Sabiya Parveen Md. EakbalIND010th Pass42
66 Narangale Shivkumar NarayanraoMNS6Graduate32Rs 4,71,901
~ 4 Lacs+
Rs 75,000
~ 75 Thou+
67 Narayan SuryawanshiIND1Graduate64Rs 21,00,000
~ 21 Lacs+
Rs 0
68 Nawghare Anand PandurangRashtriya Krantikari Samajwadi Party0Graduate49Rs 19,66,000
~ 19 Lacs+
Rs 0
69 Nevarkar Gangadhar GanpatiBBM0Post Graduate59Rs 25,70,000
~ 25 Lacs+
Rs 0
70 Omprakash Ganeshlal PokarnaINC810th Pass57
71 Omprakash Keshavrao ShindeShivrajyaP0Graduate31Rs 10,07,097
~ 10 Lacs+
Rs 0
73 Pathan Jafar Ali KhanIND012th Pass64Rs 21,50,000
~ 21 Lacs+
Rs 0
74 Pathan Jaffar Alikhan Mahemud AlikhanIND012th Pass64Rs 21,50,000
~ 21 Lacs+
Rs 0
75 Patil Hanamantrao VenketraoINC0Graduate43
76 Patil Hemant ShriramSHS10Graduate42Rs 22,83,187
~ 22 Lacs+
Rs 5,34,106
~ 5 Lacs+
77 Patil Jahagirdar Aruna DhondibaIND0Not Given34Rs 4,15,900
~ 4 Lacs+
Rs 0
78 Patil Vijaykumar ShripatappaIND012th Pass58Rs 2,81,000
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0
79 Patil Vijaykumar ShripatappaIND012th Pass58Rs 2,81,000
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0
80 Patodekar Joshi Dr. Prabhakar DigambarraoJD(S)0Graduate Professional55
82 Pawar Shivkumar AnandraoIND2Post Graduate27Rs 15,99,000
~ 15 Lacs+
Rs 0
83 Pawde Vinod NilkanthraoMNS012th Pass29Rs 85,02,255
~ 85 Lacs+
Rs 7,26,780
~ 7 Lacs+
84 Prof. Kamble Ramchandra SayajiSBP012th Pass60Rs 9,00,661
~ 9 Lacs+
Rs 0
85 Prof. Manohar DhondeSHS1Post Graduate44
86 Prof.Kamble Utamkumar RamchandraRPI(A)0Post Graduate43Rs 17,88,647
~ 17 Lacs+
Rs 10,00,000
~ 10 Lacs+
87 Rahimkhan Mahbubkhan PathanIND0Post Graduate32Rs 2,00,000
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0
88 Rangenwar Suresh RamraoBSP110th Pass46Rs 1,31,86,370
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 50,96,890
~ 50 Lacs+
89 Rathod Govind MakkajiIND012th Pass59Rs 1,18,14,963
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 10,16,487
~ 10 Lacs+
91 Rumale Anand MaribaIND0Not Given44Rs 1,60,000
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 0
92 Sabane Subhash PirajiSHS05th Pass38Rs 39,56,146
~ 39 Lacs+
Rs 10,21,709
~ 10 Lacs+
93 Sambutwad Vasant IrannaSHS0Graduate43Rs 95,21,309
~ 95 Lacs+
Rs 5,83,930
~ 5 Lacs+
94 Satwarao Shankarrao DhongdeIND08th Pass58Rs 36,000
~ 36 Thou+
Rs 10,000
~ 10 Thou+
95 Shaikh Washid Shah Jahid ShahIND08th Pass36
96 Sham Baburao NilangekarLB3Graduate43Rs 6,60,000
~ 6 Lacs+
Rs 0
97 Shamante Shankerrao PoshattiIND110th Pass42Rs 9,75,000
~ 9 Lacs+
Rs 60,000
~ 60 Thou+
98 Shankerwar Venkatrao Sayanna (Karkhelikar)RSP1Graduate Professional62Rs 41,81,584
~ 41 Lacs+
Rs 0
100 Shrinivas Ramvallabhaji JoshiIND0Post Graduate62

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